王 程

(English Version)






福建省智慧城市感知与计算重点实验室 主任






....研究方向包括计算机三维视觉,激光雷达数据处理,增强现实与虚拟现实,空间大数据分析,智慧城市。他在国内外期刊和杂志发表了200余篇论文,包括ISPRS-JPRS,IEEE TGRS IEEE TITS, PR, CVPR,IJCAI,AAAI等期刊和会议。他还是ISPRS的多传感器集成与融合工作组的主席,中国计算机学会 YOCSEF 厦门分论坛 (创始)主席,中国图像图形学会常务理事,加拿大卡尔加里大学的客座教授,IEEE GRSL副主编, ISPRS JRPS等期刊的客座编辑。作为组委会主席组织过CVRS2012,MMT-SS 2015,ChinaLiDAR2019 等多个学术会议和学术交流活动。曾经获得国际摄影测量与遥感学会(ISPRS)Giuseppe Inghilleri Award(中国首位获奖者). 国际移动测量技术大会最佳创新奖,获得省部级科技进步一等奖等奖励5项。

....国防科学技术大学电子系信息工程学士(1997),电子科学与技术学院信息与通信工程博士(2002)。毕业后留校任电子科学与技术学院讲师,副教授(2002-2011)。2011年加入厦门大学信息学院任教授(2011-今)。2018年入选IET会士,2020年获得国家级人才计划基金支持。2023年入选国家“万人计划”科技创新领军人才。 现任厦门大学南强重点岗位教授,福建省智慧城市感知与计算重点实验室主任。

主要学术获奖 Go Top

  • 2022年福建省教学成果特等奖(第3完成人)
  • 2022年福建省科技进步二等奖(第7完成人)
  • 2021年福建省科技进步二等奖(第1完成人)
  • 2020年国际摄影测量学会Giuseppe Inghilleri 奖(首位中国获奖者)
  • 2019年MMT创新奖,第十一届国际移动测量大会
  • 2018年福建省科技进步一等奖(第1完成人)
  • 2018年最佳论文奖, Symposium on Solid and Physical Modeling
  • 2017年最佳论文奖,第十届国际移动测量大会
  • 2013年部级科技进步二等奖(第6完成人)
  • 2007年部级科技进步二等奖(第9完成人)
  • 2000年部级科技进步一等奖(第9完成人)

主要学术论文 Go Top

  • [AAAI 2024] Huang, X., Wu, H., Li, X., Fan, X., Wen, C., & Wang, C. (2024). Sunshine to Rainstorm: Cross-Weather Knowledge Distillation for Robust 3D Object Detection. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • [AAAI 2024] Xiong, K., Zheng, M., Xu, Q., Wen, C., Shen, S., & Wang, C. (2024, March). SPEAL: Skeletal Prior Embedded Attention Learning for Cross-Source Point Cloud Registration. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 38, No. 6, pp. 6279-6287).
  • [AAAI 2024] Zhang, J., Mao, Q., Hu, G., Shen, S., & Wang, C. (2024, March). Neighborhood-Enhanced 3D Human Pose Estimation with Monocular LiDAR in Long-Range Outdoor Scenes. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (Vol. 38, No. 7, pp. 7169-7177).
  • [CVPR 2024] Li, W., Yang ,Y., Yu, S., Hu, G., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Wang , C. (2024). DiffLoc: Diffusion Model for Outdoor LiDAR Localization. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Sun, X., Xu Q., Yang, X., Zang, Y., Wang, C., (2024). Global and Hierarchical Geometry Consistency Priors for Few-shot NeRFs in Indoor Scenes. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Wu, H., Zhao, S., Huang, X., Wen, C., Li, X., & Wang, C. (2024). Commonsense Prototype for Outdoor Unsupervised 3D Object Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Xia, Q., Ye, W., Wu, H., Zhao, S., Xing ,L., Huang, X., Deng, J., Li,Xi., Wen, C., Wang C. (2024). HINTED: Hard Instance Enhanced Detector with Mixed-Density Feature Fusionfor Sparsely-Supervised 3D Object Detection. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Yan, M., Zhang, Y., Cai, S., Fan, S., Lin, X., Dai, Y., ... & Wang, C. (2024). RELI11D: A Comprehensive Multimodal Human Motion Dataset and Method. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Yang, B., Li, Z., Cai, Z., Li, W., Wen, C., Zang, Y., Matthias Muller, Wang, C., (2024). LiSA:LiDAR Localization with Semantic Awareness. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2024] Yuan, Z., Zeng, W., Su, Y., Liu, W., Cheng, M., Guo, Y., & Wang, C. (2024). Density-guided Translator Boosts Synthetic-to-Real Unsupervised Domain Adaptive Segmentation of 3D Point Clouds. Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [ICASSP 2023] Pang, B., Fu, Y., Ren, S., Shen, S., Wang, Y., Liao, Q., & Jia, Y. (2023, June). A multi-modal approach for context-aware network traffic classification. In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1-5).
  • [ICASSP 2023] Peng, L., Jian, S., Li, D., & Shen, S. (2023, June). MRML: multimodal rumor detection by deep metric learning. In ICASSP 2023-2023 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP) (pp. 1-5).
  • [ICCV 2023] Xia, Q., Deng, J., Wen, C., Wu, H., Shi, S., Li, X., & Wang, C. (2023). CoIn: Contrastive Instance Feature Mining for Outdoor 3D Object Detection with Very Limited Annotations. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF International Conference on Computer Vision (pp. 6254-6263).
  • [ICLR 2024] Shen, X., Cai, Z., Yin, W., Müller, M., Li, Z., Wang, K., ... & Wang, C. (2024). GIM: Learning Generalizable Image Matcher From Internet Videos. International Conference on Learning Representations.
  • [IJCAI 2024] Peng, Z., Fan, X., Chen, Y., Wang, Z., Pan, S., Wen, C., ... & Wang, C. (2024). FedPFT: Federated Proxy Fine-Tuning of Foundation Models. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • [JAG 2023] Adam, J. M., Liu, W., Zang, Y., Afzal, M. K., Bello, S. A., Muhammad, A. U., ... & Li, J. (2023). Deep learning-based semantic segmentation of urban-scale 3D meshes in remote sensing: A survey. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 121, 103365.
  • [JAG 2023] Liu, W., Zang, Y., Xiong, Z., Bian, X., Wen, C., Lu, X., ... & Li, J. (2023). 3D building model generation from MLS point cloud and 3D mesh using multi-source data fusion. International Journal of Applied Earth Observation and Geoinformation, 116, 103171.
  • [KDD 2024] Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Lyu, L., Peng, Z., Yang, Z., Wen, C., ... & Fan, X. (2024). FedSAC: Dynamic Submodel Allocation for Collaborative Fairness in Federated Learning. ACM SIGKDD Conference on Knowledge.
  • [Nature 2023] Sun, X., Yin, D., Qin, F., Yu, H., Lu, W., Yao, F., ... & Fu, K. (2023). Revealing influencing factors on global waste distribution via deep-learning based dumpsite detection from satellite imagery. Nature Communications, 14(1), 1444.
  • [NeurlPS 2023] Lin, X., Qiu, C., Shen, S., Zang, Y., Liu, W., Bian, X., ... & Wang, C. (2024). E2PNet: Event to Point Cloud Registration with Spatio-Temporal Representation Learning. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36.
  • [NeurlPS 2023] Shen, S., Ma, C., Li, C., Liu, W., Fu, Y., Mei, S., ... & Wang, C. (2023). RiskQ: risk-sensitive multi-agent reinforcement learning value factorization. Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems, 36, 34791-34825.
  • [PR 2023] Zheng, S., Liu, W., Shen, S., Zang, Y., Wen, C., Cheng, M., & Wang, C. (2023). Adaptive local adversarial attacks on 3D point clouds. Pattern Recognition, 144, 109825.
  • [TGRS 2023] Su, Y., Cheng, M., Yuan, Z., Liu, W., Zeng, W., & Wang, C. (2023). Multi-stage Scene-level Constraints for Large-scale Point Cloud Weakly Supervised Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • [TGRS 2023] Su, Y., Cheng, M., Yuan, Z., Liu, W., Zeng, W., Zhang, Z., & Wang, C. (2023). Spatial adaptive fusion consistency contrastive constraint: weakly supervised building facade point cloud semantic segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • [TGRS 2023] Xiao, R., Zhong, C., Zeng, W., Cheng, M., & Wang, C. (2023). Novel convolutions for semantic segmentation of remote sensing images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • [TGRS 2023] Yang, Y., Wang, C., Cai, Z., Song, P., Huang, G., Cheng, M., & Zang, Y. (2023). GSDDet: Ground Sample Distance Guided Object Detection for Remote Sensing Images. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • [TGRS 2023] Zhao, J., Huang, W., Wu, H., Wen, C., Yang, B., Guo, Y., & Wang, C. (2023). Semanticflow: Semantic segmentation of sequential lidar point clouds from sparse frame annotations. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 61, 1-11.
  • [TIP 2023] Shen, X., Hu, Q., Li, X., & Wang, C. (2023). A detector-oblivious multi-arm network for keypoint matching. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing.
  • [TITS 2023] Yu, S., Sun, X., Li, W., Wen, C., Yang, Y., Si, B., ... & Wang, C. (2023). NIDALoc: Neurobiologically Inspired Deep LiDAR Localization. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • [TKDE 2023] Zheng, C., Fan, X., Pan, S., Jin, H., Peng, Z., Wu, Z., ... & Philip, S. Y. (2023). Spatio-temporal joint graph convolutional networks for traffic forecasting. IEEE Transactions on Knowledge and Data Engineering.
  • [TON 2023] Fu, Y., An, L., Shen, S., Chen, K., & Barlet-Ros, P. (2023). A One-Pass Clustering Based Sketch Method for Network Monitoring. IEEE/ACM transactions on networking.
  • [UbiComp 2023] Shou, T., Ye, Z., Hong, Y., Wang, Z., Zhu, H., Jiang, Z., ... & Chen, L. (2023). Crowdq: Predicting the queue state of hospital emergency department using crowdsensing mobility data-driven models. Proceedings of the ACM on Interactive, Mobile, Wearable and Ubiquitous Technologies, 7(3), 1-28.
  • [UbiComp 2023] Wang, Y., Liu, C., Wang, Y., Wu, S., Ji, J., Zeng, W., ... & Chen, L. (2023, October). Active 3D Mapping Leveraging Heterogeneous Crowd Robot based-on Reinforcement Learning. In Adjunct Proceedings of the 2023 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing & the 2023 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computing (pp. 162-164).
  • [CVPR 2023] Dai, Y., Lin, Y., Lin, X., Wen, C., Xu, L., Yi, H., Shen, S., Ma, Y.,Wang, C. (2023). SLOPER4D: A Scene-Aware Dataset for Global 4D Human Pose Estimation in Urban Environments. (2023) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2023] Wu, H., Wen, C., Shi, S., Li, X., Wang, C. (2023). Virtual Sparse Convolution for Multimodal 3D Object Detection. (2023) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2023] Li, W., Yu, S., Wang, C., Hu, G., Shen, S., Wen, C. (2023). SGLoc: Scene Geometry Encoding for Outdoor LiDAR Localization. (2023) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [CVPR 2023] Yan, M., Wang, X., Dai, Y., Shen, S., Wen, C., Xu, L., Ma, Y., Wang, C. (2023). CIMI4D: A Large Multimodal Climbing Motion Dataset under Human-scene Interactions. (2023) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition.
  • [AAAI 2023]Wu, H., Wen, C., Li, W., Li, X., Yang, R., Wang, C. (2023). Transformation-Equivariant 3D Object Detection for Autonomous Driving. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • [AAAI 2023] Wang, Z., Fan, X., Qi, J., Jin, H., Yang, P., Shen, S., Wang, C. (2023). FEDGS: Federated Graph-based Sampling with Arbitrary Client Availability. In Proceedings of the AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • [NeurIPS 2023] Siqi, S. H. E. N., Qiu, M., Liu, J., Liu, W., Fu, Y., Liu, X., Wang, C. ResQ: A Residual Q Function-based Approach for Multi-Agent Reinforcement Learning Value Factorization. In Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
  • [NeurIPS 2023] Li, Q., Liu, Y. S., Cheng, J. S., Wang, C., Fang, Y., Han, Z. (2023). HSurf-Net: Normal Estimation for 3D Point Clouds by Learning Hyper Surfaces. In Thirty-Sixth Conference on Neural Information Processing Systems.
  • [WWW 2023] Zheng, C., Fan, X., Wang, C., Qi, J., Chen, C., Chen, L. (2023). INCREASE: Inductive Graph Representation Learning for Spatio-Temporal Kriging. The International Conference of World Wide Web.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2023] Yuan, Z., Cheng, M., Zeng, W., Su, Y., Liu, W., Yu, S., Wang, C. (2023). Prototype-guided Multi-task Adversarial Network for Cross-domain LiDAR Point Clouds Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2023] Kang, Z., Wang, C., Khoshelham, K., Lehtola, V. (2023). Editorial of theme issue" 3D Modeling of Indoor Environments". ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 195, 220-221.
  • [PR 2023] Li, Q., Wang, C., Wen, C., Li, X. (2023). DeepSIR: Deep Semantic Iterative Registration for LiDAR Point Clouds. Pattern Recognition, 109306.
  • [PR 2022] Yu, S., Wang, C., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Liu, M., Zhang, Z., Li, X. (2022). LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression. Pattern Recognition, 128, 108685.
  • [IEEE TITS 2022] Yuan, Z., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Su, Y., Liu, W., Yu, S., Wang, C. (2022). Category-Level Adversaries for Outdoor LiDAR Point Clouds Cross-Domain Semantic Segmentation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.
  • [IEEE TITS 2022] Yu, S., Wang, C., Lin, Y., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Hu, G. (2022). STCLoc: Deep LiDAR Localization With Spatio-Temporal Constraints. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 24(1), 489-500.
  • [IEEE TITS 2022] Jiang, Z., He, X., Lu, C., Zhou, B., Fan, X., Wang, C., Ma, X., Ngai, E., Chen, L. (2022). Understanding Drivers’ Visual and Comprehension Loads in Traffic Violation Hotspots Leveraging Crowd-Based Driving Simulation. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(12), 23369-23383.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2022] Wu, H., Deng, J., Wen, C., Li, X., Wang, C., Li, J. (2022). CasA: A cascade attention network for 3-D object detection from LiDAR point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-11.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2022] Wu, D., Liu, W., Fang, B., Chen, L., Zang, Y., Zhao, L., Wang, S., Wang, C., Marcato, J., Li, J. (2022). Intracity Temperature Estimation by Physics Informed Neural Network Using Modeled Forcing Meteorology and Multispectral Satellite Imagery. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-15.
  • [PR 2022] Yu, S., Wang, C., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Liu, M., Zhang, Z., Li, X. (2022). LiDAR-based localization using universal encoding and memory-aware regression. Pattern Recognition, 128, 108685.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2022] Shi, L., Yuan, Z., Cheng, M., Chen, Y., Wang, C. (2022). Dfan: Dual-branch feature alignment network for domain adaptation on point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-12.
  • [PR 2022] Su, Y., Liu, W., Yuan, Z., Cheng, M., Zhang, Z., Shen, X., Wang, C. (2022). DLA-Net: Learning dual local attention features for semantic segmentation of large-scale building facade point clouds. Pattern Recognition, 123, 108372.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2022] Sun, X., Wang, P., Yan, Z., Xu, F., Wang, R., Diao, W., Chen, J., Li, J., Feng J., Xu, T., Weinmann M., Hinz, S., Wang, C., Fu, K. (2022). FAIR1M: A benchmark dataset for fine-grained object recognition in high-resolution remote sensing imagery. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 184, 116-130.
  • [IEEE TMC 2022] Zhu, H., Shou, T., Guo, R., Jiang, Z., Wang, Z., Wang, Z., Yu, Z., Zhang, W., Wang, C., Chen, L. (2022). RedPacketBike: A Graph-Based Demand Modeling and Crowd-Driven Station Rebalancing Framework for Bike Sharing Systems. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  • [IJCAI 2022] Wu, S., Yan, X., Fan, X., Pan, S., Zhu, S., Zheng, C., Cheng, M., Wang, C. (2022). Multi-Graph Fusion Networks for Urban Region Embedding. International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  • [CVPR 2022] Li, J., Zhang, J., Wang, Z., Shen, S., Wen, C., Ma, Y., Xu, L., Yu, J., Wang, C. (2022). Lidarcap: Long-range marker-less 3d human motion capture with lidar point clouds. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 20502-20512).
  • [CVPR 2022] Dai, Y., Lin, Y., Wen, C., Shen, S., Xu, L., Yu, J., Ma, Y., Wang, C. (2022). HSC4D: Human-centered 4D Scene Capture in Large-scale Indoor-outdoor Space Using Wearable IMUs and LiDAR. In Proceedings of the IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (pp. 6792-6802).
  • [PR 2022] Shen, X., Wang, C., Li, X., Peng, Y., He, Z., Wen, C., Cheng, M. (2022). Learning scale awareness in keypoint extraction and description. Pattern Recognition, 121, 108221.
  • [IS 2021] Liu, W., Wang, C., Chen, S., Bian, X., Lai, B., Shen, X., Cheng, M., Lai, S., Weng, D., Li, J. (2021). Y-Net: Learning Domain Robust Feature Representation for ground camera image and large-scale image-based point cloud registration. Information Sciences, 581, 655-677.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2021] Luo, Z., Zhang, Z., Li, W., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Nurunnabi, A. A. M., Li, J. (2021). Detection of individual trees in UAV LiDAR point clouds using a deep learning framework based on multichannel representation. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-15.
  • [IS 2021] Wen, C., Tan, J., Li, F., Wu, C., Lin, Y., Wang, Z., Wang, C. (2021). Cooperative indoor 3D mapping and modeling using LiDAR data. Information Sciences, 574, 192-209.
  • [IEEE TMC 2021] Jiang, Z., Zhu, H., Zhou, B., Lu, C., Sun, M., Ma, X., Fan, X., Wang, C., Chen, L. (2021). CrowdPatrol: A mobile crowdsensing framework for traffic violation hotspot patrolling. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2021] Cheng, M., Li, G., Chen, Y., Chen, J., Wang, C., Li, J. (2021). Dense point cloud completion based on generative adversarial network. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-10.
  • [IEEE TITS 2021] Zheng, C., Wang, C., Fan, X., Qi, J., Yan, X. (2021). STPC-Net: Learn Massive Geo-Sensory Data as Spatio-Temporal Point Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 11314-11324.
  • [IEEE TITS 2021] Feng, H., Li, W., Luo, Z., Chen, Y., Fatholahi, S. N., Cheng, M., Wang, C., Junior, J., Li, J. (2021). GCN-based pavement crack detection using mobile LiDAR point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 23(8), 11052-11061.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2021] Lin, H., Wu, S., Chen, Y., Li, W., Luo, Z., Guo, Y., Wang, C., Li, J. (2021). Semantic segmentation of 3D indoor LiDAR point clouds through feature pyramid architecture search. ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 177, 279-290.
  • [IEEE TCSVT 2021] Dai, Y., Wen, C., Wu, H., Guo, Y., Chen, L., Wang, C. (2021). Indoor 3D human trajectory reconstruction using surveillance camera videos and point clouds. IEEE Transactions on Circuits and Systems for Video Technology, 32(4), 2482-2495.
  • [IEEE TGR 2021] Li, W., Luo, Z., Xiao, Z., Chen, Y., Wang, C., Li, J. (2021). A GCN-based method for extracting power lines and pylons from airborne LiDAR data. IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 60, 1-14.
  • [IJCAI 2021] Wu, H., Li Q.、Wen, C., Li,X., Fan, X.,Wang, C.,Wang, C.,Tracklet Proposal Network for Multi-Object Tracking on Point Clouds, (2021) IJCAI
  • [IJCAI 2021] Wang, Z., Fan, X., Wang, C., Weng, C.,Yu, R., Qi, J.,Federated Learning with Fair Averaging, (2021) IJCAI
  • [IS 2021] Yang, Z., Chen, Z., Wang, C.,Accelerating mini-batch SARAH by step size rules,(2021) Information Sciences, 558, pp. 157-173.
  • [IEEE TMC 2021] Chen, L., Nguyen, T.-M.-T., Yang, D., Nogueira, M., Wang, C., Zhang, D.,Data-Driven C-RAN Optimization Exploiting Traffic and Mobility Dynamics of Mobile Users,(2021) IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing, 20 (5),   pp. 1773-1788.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2021] Xia, Y., Xu, Y., Wang, C., Stilla, U.,VPC-Net: Completion of 3D vehicles from MLS point clouds,(2021) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 174, pp. 166-181.
  • [IEEE TITS 2021]Wen, C., Habib, A.F., Li, J., Toth, C.K., Wang, C., Fan, H.,Special Issue on 3D Sensing in Intelligent Transportation,(2021) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22 (4),   pp. 1947-1949.
  • [PR 2021] Li, Q., Wang, C., Li, X., Wen, C.,FeatFlow: Learning geometric features for 3D motion estimation,(2021) Pattern Recognition, 111,
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2021] Sun, X., Wang, P., Wang, C., Liu, Y., Fu, K.,PBNet: Part-based convolutional neural network for complex composite object detection in remote sensing imagery,(2021) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 173, pp. 50-65.
  • [IEEE TITS 2021]Gong, Z., Li, J., Luo, Z., Wen, C., Wang, C., Zelek, J.,Mapping and Semantic Modeling of Underground Parking Lots Using a Backpack LiDAR System,(2021) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 22 (2), pp. 734-746.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2021]Yu, S., Wang, C., Yu, Z., Li, X., Cheng, M., Zang, Y.,Deep regression for LiDAR-based localization in dense urban areas,(2021) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 172, pp. 240-252.
  • [IEEE TITS 2021]Wu, H., Han, W., Wen, C., Li, X., Wang, C.,3D Multi-Object Tracking in Point Clouds Based on Prediction Confidence-Guided Data Association,(2021) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, .
  • [CMPB 2020] Bian, X., Luo, X., Wang, C., Liu, W., Lin, X.,Optic disc and optic cup segmentation based on anatomy guided cascade network,(2020) Computer Methods and Programs in Biomedicine, 197.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2020]Chen, F., Fan, Q., Lou, S., Yang, L., Wang, C., Claverie, M., Wang, C., Junior, J.M., Goncalves, W.N., Li, J.,Characterization of MSS Channel Reflectance and Derived Spectral Indices for Building Consistent Landsat 1-5 Data Record,(2020) IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 58 (12), pp. 8967-8984.
  • [IEEE TITS 2020]Zhang, Z., Li, J., Guo, Y., Yang, C., Wang, C.,3D Highway Curve Reconstruction from Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds,(2020) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21 (11), pp. 4762-4772.
  • [IEEE TITS 2020]Chen, Z., Fan, W., Zhong, B., Li, J., Du, J., Wang, C.,Corse-to-Fine Road Extraction Based on Local Dirichlet Mixture Models and Multiscale-High-Order Deep Learning,(2020) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21 (10),   pp. 4283-4293.
  • [FCS 2020]Jiang, Z., Liu, Y., Fan, X., Wang, C., Li, J., Chen, L.,Understanding urban structures and crowd dynamics leveraging large-scale vehicle mobility data,(2020) Frontiers of Computer Science, 14 (5),   .
  • [IEEE TITS 2020]Zheng, C., Fan, X., Wen, C., Chen, L., Wang, C., Li, J.,DeepSTD: Mining Spatio-Temporal Disturbances of Multiple Context Factors for Citywide Traffic Flow Prediction,(2020) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 21 (9),   pp. 3744-3755.
  • [KBS 2020]Yang, Z., Chen, Z., Wang, C.,,An accelerated stochastic variance-reduced method for machine learning problems,(2020) Knowledge-Based Systems, 198,   .
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2020]Li, W., Wang, C., Lin, C., Xiao, G., Wen, C., Li, J.,Inlier extraction for point cloud registration via supervoxel guidance and game theory optimization,(2020) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 163, pp. 284-299.
  • [KBS 2020]Zhang, Y., Huo, K., Liu, Z., Zang, Y., Liu, Y., Li, X., Zhang, Q., Wang, C.,PGNet: A Part-based Generative Network for 3D object reconstruction,(2020) Knowledge-Based Systems, 194,   .
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2020]Lin, Y., Li, J., Wang, C., Chen, Z., Wang, Z., Li, J.,Fast regularity-constrained plane fitting,(2020) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 161, pp. 208-217.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2020]Luo, Z., Liu, D., Li, J., Chen, Y., Xiao, Z., Marcato Junior, J., Nunes Gonçalves, W., Wang, C.,Learning sequential slice representation with an attention-embedding network for 3D shape recognition and retrieval in MLS point clouds,(2020) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 161, pp. 147-163.
  • [IEEE VR 2020] Liu, W., Lai, B., Wang, C., Bian, X., Yang, W., Xia, Y., Lin, X., Lai, S.-H., Weng, D., Li, J.,Learning to Match 2D Images and 3D LiDAR Point Clouds for Outdoor Augmented Reality,(2020) Proceedings - 2020 IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VRW 2020,   pp. 655-656.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2020]Zhang, S., Wang, C., He, Z., Li, Q., Lin, X., Li, X., Zhang, J., Yang, C., Li, J.,Vehicle global 6-DoF pose estimation under traffic surveillance camera,(2020) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 159, pp. 114-128.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2020]Gong, Z., Lin, H., Zhang, D., Luo, Z., Zelek, J., Chen, Y., Nurunnabi, A., Wang, C., Li, J.,A Frustum-based probabilistic framework for 3D object detection by fusion of LiDAR and camera data,(2020) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 159, pp. 90-100.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2019]Wen, C., You, C., Wu, H., Wang, C., Fan, X., Li, J.,Recovery of urban 3D road boundary via multi-source data,(2019) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 156, pp. 184-201.
  • [UbiComp 2019]Chen, L., Xie, T., Wang, X., Wang, C.,Identifying urban villages from city-wide satellite imagery leveraging mask r-Cnn,(2019) UbiComp/ISWC 2019- - Adjunct Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Joint Conference on Pervasive and Ubiquitous Computing and Proceedings of the 2019 ACM International Symposium on Wearable Computers, pp. 29-32.
  • [IEEE TITS 2019]You, C., Wen, C., Wang, C., Li, J., Habib, A.,Joint 2-D-3-D Traffic Sign Landmark Data Set for Geo-Localization Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data,(2019) IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 20 (7),   pp. 2550-2565.
  • [SP 2019] Yang, Z., Wang, C., Zhang, Z., Li, J.,Accelerated stochastic gradient descent with step size selection rules,(2019) Signal Processing, 159, pp. 171-186.
  • [CVPR 2019] Li, Q., Chen, S., Wang, C., Li, X., Wen, C., Cheng, M., Li, J.,Lo-net: Deep real-time lidar odometry,(2019) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019-June,   pp. 8465-8474.
  • [CVPR 2019] Shen, X., Wang, C., Li, X., Yu, Z., Li, J., Wen, C., Cheng, M., He, Z.,RF-net: An end-to-end image matching network based on receptive field,(2019) Proceedings of the IEEE Computer Society Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition, 2019-June,   pp. 8124-8132.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2019]Luo, Z., Li, J., Xiao, Z., Mou, Z.G., Cai, X., Wang, C.,Learning high-level features by fusing multi-view representation of MLS point clouds for 3D object recognition in road environments,(2019) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 150, pp. 44-58.
  • [IEEE VR 2019]Liu, W., Wang, C., Zang, Y., Lai, S.-H., Weng, D., Sian, X., Lin, X., Shen, X., Li, J.,Ground camera images and UAV 3D model registration for outdoor augmented reality,(2019) 26th IEEE Conference on Virtual Reality and 3D User Interfaces, VR 2019 - Proceedings,   pp. 1050-1051.
  • [KBS 2019]Yang, Z., Wang, C., Zhang, Z., Li, J.,Mini-batch algorithms with online step size,(2019) Knowledge-Based Systems, 165, pp. 228-240.
  • [AAAI 2019]Zhang, Z., Zeng, H., Li, J., Chen, Y., Yang, C., Wang, C.,Geometric multi-model fitting by deep reinforcement learning,(2019) 33rd AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence, AAAI 2019, 31st Innovative Applications of Artificial Intelligence Conference, IAAI 2019 and the 9th AAAI Symposium on Educational Advances in Artificial Intelligence, EAAI 2019, pp. 10081-10082.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2019]Wen, C., Sun, X., Li, J., Wang, C., Guo, Y., Habib, A.,A deep learning framework for road marking extraction, classification and completion from mobile laser scanning point clouds,(2019) ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 147, pp. 178-192.
  • [PR 2019] Zhang, Z., Li, J., Guo, Y., Li, X., Lin, Y., Xiao, G., Wang, C.,Robust procedural model fitting with a new geometric similarity estimator,(2019) Pattern Recognition, 85, pp. 120-131.
  • [IJCAI 2019] Chen, H., Luo, Y., Cao, L., Zhang, B., Guo, G., Wang, C., Li, J., Ji, R.,Generalized zero-shot vehicle detection in remote sensing imagery via coarse-to-fine framework,(2019) IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence, 2019-August, pp. 687-693.
  • [UbiComp 2018] Longbiao Chen, Xiaoliang Fan, Leye Wang, Zhiyong Yu, Johnthan Li, Daqing Zhang, Thi-Mai-Trang Nguyen, Gang Pan, Cheng Wang*. RADAR: Road Obstacle Identification for Disaster Response Leveraging Multi-Source Urban Data. Singapore, 2018.
  • [IEEE TITS 2018] You C., Wen C., Wang C, Li J., Habib A., “Joint 2-D-3-D Traffic Sign Landmark Data Set for Geo-Localization Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data”, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, DOI: 10.1109/TITS.2018.2868168.
  • [CAD 2018] Chen Z., Zhang T., Cao J, Zhang Y., Wang C, “Point cloud resampling using centroidal Voronoi tessellation methods,” Computer-Aided Design, 102:12-21, 2018.
  • [CAD 2018] Xiao Y., Chen Z., Cao J., Zhang Y., Wang C, “Optimal power diagrams via function approximation,” Computer-Aided Design, 102:52-60, 2018.
  • [IJCAI 2018] Liu W., Shen X., Wang C, Zhang Z., Wen C., Li J., “H-Net: Neural Network for Cross-domain Image Patch Matching,” International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence (IJCAI), 856-863,2018.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2018] Luo H., Wang C, Wen C., Chen Z., Zai D., Yu Y., Li J., “Semantic Labeling of Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds via Active Learning and Higher Order MRF,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 56(7): 3631-3644, 2018.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2018] Wang C, Hou S., Wen C. Gong Z., Li Q., Sun X., Li J., “Semantic line framework-based indoor building modeling using backpacked laser scanning point cloud,” ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, Volume 143, Pages 150-166, September 2018.
  • [PR 2018] Cao L., Luo F., Chen L., Sheng Y., Wang H., Wang C; Ji R., “Weakly supervised vehicle detection in satellite images via multi-instance discriminative learning,” Pattern Recognition, 417-424, Volume 64, April 2017.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2018] Lin Y., Wang C, Zai D., Li W. , Li J., "Toward Better Boundary Preserved Supervoxel Segmentation for 3d Point Clouds," ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 143, 39-47, 2018.
  • [CVPR 2018] Chen Y., Wang J., Li J., Luo Z., Xue H., Wang C, “LiDAR-Video Driving Dataset: Learning Driving Policies Effectively,” accepted, The 13th IEEE/CVF Conference on Computer Vision and Pattern Recognition (CVPR2018), Salt Lake City, June 2018.
  • [EAAI 2018] Yang Z., Wang C, Zhang Z. Li J., "Random Barzilai–Borwein Step Size for Mini-Batch Algorithms," Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence, 72(6):124-135, 2018.
  • [IEEE TIM 2018] Gong Z., Wen C., Wang C, Li J., "A Target-Free Automatic Self-Calibration Approach for Multibeam Laser Scanners," IEEE Transactions on Instrumentation and Measurement, 67(1): 238-240, 2018.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2018] Zai D., Li J., Guo Y., Cheng M., Huang P., Cao X., Wang C, "Pairwise Registration of TLS Point Clouds using Covariance Descriptors and a Non-cooperative Game," ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing, 2017, doi: 10.1016/j.isprsjprs.2017.10.001.
  • [IEEE TITS 2017] Zai D., Li J., Guo Y., Cheng M., Lin Y., Luo H., Wang C, "3-D Road Boundary Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data via Supervoxels and Graph Cuts," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2017, doi: 10.1109/LGRS.2017.2764938.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2017] Zang Y., Wang C, Yu Y., Li J., "Joint Enhancing Filtering for Road Network Extraction," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 55(3):1511-1525, 2017.
  • [IEEE TITS 2017] Wu F., Wen C., Guo Y., Wang J., Yu Y., Wang C, J Li., "Rapid Localization and Extraction of Street Light Poles in Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds: A Supervoxel-Based Approach," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(2):292-305, 2017.
  • [IEEE TITS 2017] Huang P., Cheng M., Chen Y., Luo H., Wang C, Li J., "Traffic Sign Occlusion Detection Using Mobile Laser Scanning Point Clouds." IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 18(9):2364-2376, 2017.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2017] Lin Y., Wang C, Chen B., Li J., "Facet Segmentation-Based Line Segment Extraction for Large-Scale Point Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience & Remote Sensing, 55(9): 4839-4854, 2017.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2016] Yu Y., Li J., Wen C., Guan H., Luo H., Wang C, "Bag-of-visual-phrases and hierarchical deep models for traffic sign detection and recognition in mobile laser scanning data, " ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 113 (2016): 106–123, 2016.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2016] Chen Z., Wang C, Wen C., Teng X., Chen Y., Guan H., Luo H., Cao L., Li J., “Vehicle detection in high-resolution aerial images via sparse representation and superpixels,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(1): 103-116, 2016.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2016] Chen Z., Wang C, Luo H., Wang H., Chen Y., Wen C., Yu Y., Cao L., Li, J., “Vehicle Detection in High-Resolution Aerial Images Based on Fast Sparse Representation Classification,” IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 17(8): 2296-2309, 2016.
  • [IEEE TITS 2016] Luo H, Wang C, Wen C, et al. Patch-Based Semantic Labeling of Road Scene Using Colorized Mobile LiDAR Point Clouds. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 2016, 17(5):1286-1297.
  • [IEEE TITS 2016] Wen C., Li J., Luo H., Yu Y., Cai Z., Wang H., Wang C, "Spatial-related traffic sign inspection for inventory purposes using mobile laser scanning data, " IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(1): 27-37, 2016.
  • [IEEE TITS 2016] Yu Y., Li J., Guan H., Wang C, "Bag of Contextual-Visual Words for Road Scene Object Detection from Mobile Laser Scanning Data," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 17(12):3391-3406, 2016.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2016] Yu Y., Li J., Guan H., Wang C, Wen C., "Automated detection of three-dimensional cars in mobile laser scanning point clouds using DBM-Hough-Forests," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(7): 4130-4142, 2016.
  • [IS 2016] Cao L., Wang C, Li J. Vehicle detection from highway satellite images via transfer learning[J]. Information Sciences, 366: 177-187, 2016.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2016] Zang Y., Wang C, Cao L., Yu Y., Li J., "Road network extraction via aperiodic directional structure measurement, " IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 54(6): 3322-3335, 2016.
  • [IEEE TITS 2015] Yu Y., Li J., Guan H., and Wang C, "Automated Extraction of Urban Road Facilities Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(4): 2167-2181, 2015.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2015] Yu Y., Li J., Guan H., Wang C and Yu J, "Semiautomated Extraction of Street Light Poles from Mobile LiDAR Point-Clouds," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(3): 1374-1386, 2015.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2015]Lin Y., Wang C, Cheng J., Chen B., Jia F., Chen Z., and Li J., "Line segment extraction for large scale unorganized point clouds," ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 102 (2015): 172-183, 2015.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2015] Guan H., Li J., Yu Y., Chapman M., Wang H., Wang C, and Zhai R., "Iterative Tensor Voting for Pavement Crack Extraction Using Mobile Laser Scanning Data," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 53(3): 1527-1537, 2015.
  • [IEEE TITS 2015] Guan H., Li J., Yu Y., Chapman M., and Wang C, "Automated Road Information Extraction from Mobile Laser Scanning Data," IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems, 16(4): 194-205, 2015.
  • [SP 2015] Cao L., Wang C, and Li J., "Robust depth-based object tracking from a moving binocular camera," Signal Processing, 112: 154-161, 2015.
  • [ISPRS JPRS 2014] Guan H., Li J., Yu Y., Wang C, Chapman M., and Yang B., "Using mobile laser scanning data for automated extraction of road markings," ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing, 87 (2014): 93-107, 2014.
  • [IEEE TGRS 2009] Chen J., Wang C, and Wang R., "Using Stacked Generalization to Combine SVMs in Magnitude and Shape Feature Spaces for Classification of Hyperspectral Data," IEEE Transactions on Geoscience and Remote Sensing, 47(7): 2193-2205, 2009.
  • [IS 2008] Zhou H., Wang R., and Wang C, "A novel extended local-binary-pattern operator for texture analysis," Information Sciences, 178(22): 4314-4325, 2008. 

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  • 国际摄影测量与遥感学会ISPRS, WG I/6 多传感器集成与融合工作组主席, 2016-2020
  • 国际摄影测量与遥感学会ISPRS, WG I/3 多传感器系统标定, 2008-2012, 2012-2016
  • 中国图像图形学会,常务理事 2012-2017 ,2018-2022
  • 中国计算机学会YOCSEF厦门,创始主席
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    • IEEE Geoscience and Remote Sensing Letters
    • ISPRS Journal of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing,
    • IEEE Trans. Geoscience and Remote Sensing,
    • IEEE Trans. Intelligent Transportation Systems,
    • Remote Sensing
  • 学术会议组织(主席、副主席)
    • 组委会主席, 2011.12 IEEE/ISPRS International Workshop on Multi-sensor Multi-platform Remote Sensing and Mapping, Xiamen
    • 组委会主席, 2012.12 IEEE/ISPRS International Conference on Computer Vision in Remote Sensing, Xiamen, China
    • 组委会主席, 2014, 5 International Symposium on Remote Sensing in Transportation, Xiamen, China
    • 组委会主席, 2015.4, The 3rd International Summer School on Mobile Mapping Technology (SS-MMT 2015) Xiamen, China,
    • 组委会主席,2015.5 IEEE 2dn International Conference on Computer Vision in Remote Sensing, Xiamen, China
    • 大会副主席, 2017, ISPRS workshop on Indoor 3D, Wuhan, China
    • 大会主席,2019,第五届中国激光大会
  • 科学委员会成员:
    • IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation, Chengdu China, 2012;
    • IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation, Beijing, China, 2011;
    • IEEE Intl. Conf. on Mechatronics and Automation, Xi’an, China, 2010;
    • IEEE Intl. Conf. on Information and Automation, Harbin,China,2010;
    • ISPRS Intl. Workshop on Terrestrial LIDAR 2010, Zhengzhou, China, 2010.

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